Coppélia Synopsis: Life-like doll, Coppélia, sits on her balcony all day reading and never speaking to anyone. Franz, the fiancé of Swanhilda, falls deeply in love with Coppélia and wants to marry her despite his prior engagement. Swanhilda becomes jealous when she sees Franz throwing kisses at Coppélia and soon learns that Coppélia is actually a doll that belongs to Doctor Coppélius, the mad scientist. Swanhilda decides to impersonate the doll, in order to win the love of Franz. Chaos ensues, but all is soon forgiven.
Untitled Opus 1 Synopsis: This neoclassical ballet features a dramatic and lyrical adagio movement accompanied by a double pas deux and two contrasting allegro movements performed by the ensemble. The patterns and rhythms of the music come to life through the dancers’ bodies, giving visual shape to the musical composition. Choreographed by David Kloss; restaged by régisseur, Thomas Gant, Jr.,
Zlock Performing Arts Center, Bucks County Community College